Plant a tree in memory of John
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1 tree(s) planted in memory of John Freda
Dina Chiappetta uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, August 19, 2020




Rick Posted Mar 26, 2022 at 8:14 PM
Dina Chiappetta lit a candle
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I was an acquaintance/friend of John’s and got an article sent to my cell phone over this past weekend about the passing of John and his parents in April 2020. It was on the news by Governor Murphy recently in August 2020 and CNN this past Monday. My deepest condolences to his family. I did not know he was sick, had the Covid. A shame, not to have had a chance to say goodbye. I can't believe this happened to you John and am speechless.
John and I met on a social media site about five or so years ago. When we first met, he was a very good friend and person. To me, he looked and sounded like the actor John Ritter, with a few extra pounds, which he got a kick out of and inflated his ego. He laughed out loud in surprise and flattery. When we first connected online, I just mentioned on chat that I had a hard time focusing on what I needed to do online, with loud distractions in the house and was looking for sugar-free sweets, as there is diabetes in my family. He mailed me sound-proof headset and sugar-free Reese's pieces butter cups from Hersey Park in PA.
Although we only met a few times, on a couple of holidays and for my birthday, he made himself available to me for 5+ years and an impact.
He was the only person close to my age I came across online and in life who was normal, selfless – always took an interest in my life no matter what, extenuating circumstances, was a rock. As an optician at Walmart, he helped me save money on lenses when my glasses broke, more than once. I tried going to different places, and they would not give me the prescription, unless I bought frames.
He never used platitudes. When I had an emergency appendectomy, he reacted with empathy, real interest and concern i.e. “what? What happened?! OMG, are you okay?! How did they do the surgery?” always had specific comments and questions.
He showed class. He was one of the very few, who made an excuse to see me and visit with my family as a friend on a holiday, Easter. People would always bring something when in town on holiday, so, when I asked him if he minded bringing something i.e. wine or dessert, not only did he not mind, but, brought everything that I suggested – wine and fancy Italian pastries. I never opened the bottle of wine or champagne and is now a memento, keepsake of him. He happened to have worked for a baseball team I think it was during college, which happens to be the same team that part of my family supports, so he bonded with them and immediately clicked. He knew of and was familiar with things I didn't/don't have time for. He joined me to go to Easter Mass and was a gentleman.
When I couldn’t meet for my birthday, he sent the most beautiful huge floral arrangements, remember the types I got at work and liked.
A former distant male acquaintance of mine visited for the holidays, and John happened to have been at the same place where we dined out. Although my acquaintance was uncomfortable to have John join us, John treated. Class, generous.
He was the only divorcee with kids who took my calls when with his kids.
Having pursued Information Systems in college, a male-dominated industry, I didn't have female acquaintances outside of class. Both John and myself could interact with anyone of any age. It was a huge challenge for me to arrange a birthday gathering of all male acquaintances of varied ages. My college-educated professionals were moving for work. John had a knack and flare for disarming people. He helped to break the ice with my other acquaintances, who are college-educated professionals. He took an interest in their work, flattered and charmed them, which may have otherwise been a disaster. He made it the most memorable adult birthday I had, outside of family.
He was reliable, resilient, happy to have my time, companionship, be included and had my back. He was one of very few who would help me when I was disrespected, whether it was lending an ear, advice, offered to contact people for me without being asked, etc. After talking to him for some time, my headaches slowly subsided.
John, you were taken way too soon. You were a friend, like a brother. I love you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You restored my faith in humanity.
Although we slowly lost touch, I will honor you and speak of you when possible to keep your memory alive, like family.
God Bless
Megan posted a condolence
Saturday, August 8, 2020
John was such a pleasure to work with. He was always concerned about the well beings of his coworkers who he made to feel like family. He and I had many in depth conversations that I always appreciated. John was always someone you could talk to, he had such a big heart. I think about him everyday and wished there were more conversations and laughs we could have shared. There are so many positive things about John it’s impossible to list them all. Thank you for being in my life the short amount of time you were, I miss you dearly my friend. Megan Carrigan

Carmen Rivera Posted Aug 14, 2020 at 8:15 PM
Such a joy to have known John when I worked for Dr.Lisa Smith he was such a talented artist he really could draw. So heart broken when I read about his passing my condolences to his family May god comfort You all during your grieving. He was a beautiful soul.
Sandra Baranello planted a tree in memory of John Freda
Thursday, May 28, 2020

In memory of my beloved cousin, Johnny Boy Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Barbara DeAngelo posted a condolence
Thursday, May 7, 2020
John you were taken too soon. The world will sorely miss your great sense of humor and your abundant artistic talent. I love you and cannot believe this has happened.
Aunt Barb

Gene Cahill uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John, my friend, my "brother from another mother", I don't even know what to say. I still can't wrap my head around this, and every time I hear a bit of cool geek news I want to call you but remember I can't. RIP my friend, you and your lovely parents. You'll always be in my heart and memory.
John and Cindy Plachinski posted a condolence
Friday, May 1, 2020
Blessing sent and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept our sincere condolences.
Suzanne Baranello posted a condolence
Thursday, April 30, 2020
My nephew John Anthony Freda was taken from us way too soon. He was a bright, creative man who loved his family above all else. John I will miss your hellos at every family event. And your big hugs when you would leave. You always had a smile for everyone. You had so much more to give life. I am so sorry to his immediate family members. My deepest sympathy to you on the passing of your brother. We all loved him very much, and will miss you always . Rest In Peace Johnny.
Love Aunt Sue

Kate Sanderson lit a candle
Thursday, April 30, 2020

John was simply my guiding star and helped me through some rather difficult times these past few years. He was like the big brother I never had with his kindness, advice and annoying ability to make me smile even when I didn't want to. I will forever treasure memories of him, the memes he made me, poems and short stories he wrote, voice clips he sent and all the hundreds of Facebook tags! Although I never got the chance to meet him in person, he touched my heart from the very first day we started chatting and a big jovial void has been left by his passing. We had so much in common too.. such a tragic loss to many. Sincerest condolences to all of his family and friends from all the way in the UK, and many many thanks to the family for choosing JDRF for donations.. my son was diagnosed with Type 1 at a very young age, just another thing John and his family understood. My favourite memory of John is the poem/short story he wrote for my son to help me raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes. Sleep tight my overseas buddy, thank you for being you. Lots of love, Kate and family x

CJ Dockter Berg posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I had the pleasure of knowing John Freda through his comfort to my daughter and her sweet family. Seems this family was drawn to him as an old familiar soul. Always kind and respectful. His inspirational writings and drawings always had me looking for his next posting. What a talent. John was much loved for the joy he brought to many; and will be sadly missed. Rest well. My sincere condolences to this family who lost so much. A tragedy indeed. I can hardly grasp it all.
Eric McConnell uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

John, was just a special man. Easily one of the nicest people I knew. Once a month or so we would get together at the local pub to have a few beers, play trivia or bingo and talk about our mutual interest in comics, sci-fi, pop culture and just have a great time. This photo was taken on March 16 of this year. John had asked Brian and I to be in a photo and I'm so glad we did it. A great shot of three friends just hanging out. Buddy, you will me missed. Much love to great man.
Laura posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Such a thoughtful, considerate young man who I met on FaceBook because we shared similar interests. May he forever rest in peace along with his parents.

Sue Solis posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
You were such wonderful man, warm and kind. Will miss your excellent advice and sense of humor.
Tracy Keller uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

There wasn't a day in the past 3 years that we didn't laugh together. John had an amazing loving soul and warm heart. You are terribly missed Jhonny. Love you
Keith Alder uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

This is a great photo of John from1986
Keith Alder posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I am so sad to her of Johns passing... I when to school with him at West Essex... John and I were good friends and the last time I saw him was during the summer after we graduated. I had a big party, and I remember John playing the pinball machine I had in my garage and having a great time.... Later that night John and a few other friends were playing guitar with pool cues..... OMG I can still see everyone having a great time....... I am so sorry for your loss..... John was a good man.... He will be missed
The family of John Anthony Freda uploaded a photo
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

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